Get guitar classes san jose to learn guitar easily

Guitar Classes San Jose

It's true! It really is possible now to learn to play guitar with easy lessons that will cost you nothing. Here are 4 basic classes to help you get to grips with playing your guitar.

Holding the guitar correctly:
                                                   In a sitting position, assuming you are right handed, you will rest the guitar on your right leg, keeping the body of the guitar on your right side, and using your right hand to strum the strings. All students are interasted to guitar classes san jose .If you pay too much attention to your left hand and how you are holding a chord, you may find the guitar will slide off your leg. This is a typical beginner mistake that must try to avoid, so that you do not get into bad habits. Make sure you keep the guitar close to your body and with the neck of the guitar horizontal (the reverse applies if you are left handed.

Learning chords from a chart:
                                                    We will start by learning 3 chords, all positioned on the first 4 frets of the fingerboard. The fret refers to the space in between the raised metal strips, as well as the strips themselves. The frets are shown on the chord diagram as the vertical lines, the 6 horizontal lines signifying the strings of the guitar. Remember that the strings are numbered 1-6 starting from the bottom. We will also number the fingers of your fretting hand, 1-3 starting with your index finger. We will use the little finger later on.

Your first three chords:
                                         At the second fret, place your 1st and 2nd fingers on the 3rd and 1st strings respectively. Place your 3rd finger on the 2nd string at the 3rd fret. It will be easier than it sounds! Press the strings with the tips of your fingers and as close to the metal fret as possible. Strum only the first 4 strings. This is the "D" chord. Leaving your 1st finger on the 3rd string at the 2nd fret, move your 2nd and 3rd fingers to the 4th and 2nd strings, all at the 2nd fret. Strum the first 5 strings. You are now playing the "A" chord. Study the diagram on the chord chart.
Now with your 1st finger still on the 3rd string, slide it back to the 1st fret and place your 2nd and 3rd fingers on the 5th and 4th strings respectively, both at the 2nd fret. Strum all 6 strings and you are playing the "E" chord. Always refer to chord diagrams on your chart.
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